Local District Past Residents
Braybrook Shire & Keilor / Sunshine / Brimbank Council Coat of Arms & Logos

Shire of Braybrook
The Coat of Arms informs the observer that the Shire of Braybrook was initially a rural area with its images of a cow, sheep, and hay.
Shire of Keilor Coat of Arms
The Coat of Arms informs the observer that the Shire of Braybrook was initially a rural area with its images of a cow & vegetable's.
City of Sunshine
The City of Sunshine Coat of Arms left hand side depicts the factories and the flame of industry (H.V. McKays Harvester Works & the Maribyrnong Meat Works). The right hand side depicts the early agricultural significance of the area (Farming & cattle raising).
The 1992 corporate logo representing a sun made up of two elements, a sphere representing unity and a half circle representing prosperity & progress (designed by Steve Jones)
City of Brimbank
The blue background represents stability and the yellow is for energy.
The wheat graphic represents the area’s history of agriculture manufacture and the flat grassy landscape of the western plains, drawn in a modern manner.
Council introduced the first logo (top) in May 1996. The current logo (bottom) has been used since 2012.
Collection: S&DHS
Ref: victoriancollections.net.au
Ref: City of Brimbank
Ref: S&DHS
Photo: S&DHS