Local District Past Residents
423 Somerville Rd - Monsanto
West Footscray
In 1941, Monsanto, a world leader chemical manufacturer opened their Somerville Road West Footscray plant.
In 1963, the world's first Phenol manufacturing plant using a new process was installed. The new plant replaced the original one that was installed in 1941.
Phenol is used extensively throughout the world as a base chemical for pharmaceutical drugs, commercial & industrial chemicals, plastic moulding powders & adhesives.
Monsanto has now closed this site and the manufacturing plant has been demolished. The site is under going extensive remediation works to removed the contaminated soil. in the future the site will be redeveloped.
The impressive brick office block remains as a reminder of one of the world's largest chemical manufacturers was located in the district.
1942 Somerville Rd Monsanto (Aust) Pty Ltd - (Works)
1945 Somerville Rd Monsanto (Aust) Pty Ltd - (Works)
1950 Somerville Rd Monsanto (Aust) Pty Ltd - (Works)
Ref: Sands & McDougall Directories
Ref: Sunshine Advocate 4th July 1963 Page 1
Photo: S&DHS