Local District Past Residents
Masonic Hall
Hampshire Rd corner of Corio St, Sunshine

In 1913, the "Sunshine Lodge No 226" was consecrated and H.V. McKay was the first Worshipful Master. The local policeman Robert H. Alford was the Lodge's Secretary.
In the early years as there was no suitable building in Sunshine, the Lodge met at the Footscray Lodge and continued meeting there until this fine building was completed.
In 1914, the Lodge's Trustees were empowered to pay a deposit for land on the corner of Hampshire Rd & Corio St, Sunshine. Due to falling land prices, the Lodge's building plans were put on hold until 1926.
The foundation stone for this building was laid by H.V. McKay on the 20th March 1926 . He died two months after this event. The new building opened on the 1st September 1926.
Every weekday of the week various other lodges used the building for their meetings including the St. Albans Lodge No 722 & Deer Park Lodge 818.
On Saturday nights the building was the venue for many of the district's gala events including civic functions, dances being held for the Patriotic Fund during WW2, birthdays, engagements & weddings.
In 1990, the Sunshine Lodge merged with the Wisdom Lodge from Footscray and the new named for the merged lodges is now called the Sunshine - Wisdom Lodge No 226. A commentative medal was presented to the founding members of the new lodge.
The Lodge purchased the former Sunshine Golf Club Rooms and some surrounding land for car parking at 1A Ralph St, Sunshine West. Like the previously building, multiple lodges including the
Footscray St. John’s Lodge No 71, Robbie Burns Phoenix Lodge No 88, City of Footscray Wyndham Lodge No 239, Lodge of St. Mark No 591 & the Derrimut Daylight Lodge No 905 use the building for their meetings.
The original lodge building in Hampshire Rd is now in private hands and is listed in the Brimbank's City Council Heritage overlay
Ref: S&DHS Newsletter Series 5, No 41, March 2017.
Ref: Sunshine Lodge, No 226 50 Year Commemoration Jewel
Ref: John Willaton
Photos: S&DHS