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Deer Park Hunt Club.jpg

Sunshine & District

Historical Society Inc.

Reg No: A00212758

54 King Edward Ave - Former Shop

54 King Edward Ave Albion.JPG

1930 Greenfield, Charles Ernest - Butcher

1931 Greenfield, Charles Ernest - Butcher

1933 Giles, M. H. - Butcher

1935 Glendenning, William Edward - Butcher

1938 Vacant

1940 Skermer, Frank - Hair Dresser

1942 Vacant

1945 Lawrence, Mrs Olive Daphne

1950 Lawrence, Mrs Olive Daphne

1955 Lawrence, Mrs Olive Daphne

1960 Lawrence, Mrs Olive Daphne - Chiropodist

1960 Brown, M. - Ladies Hair Dresser

1965 Lawrence, Mrs Olive Daphne - Chiropodist

1965 O'Connor, Miss M. C. - Ladies Hair Dresser

1970 Lawrence, Mrs Olive Daphne - Chiropodist

1970 Tucker, Alison Francex- Ladies Hair Dresser

1974 Lawrence, Mrs Olive Daphne - Chiropodist

1974 Tucker, Alison France - Ladies Hair Dresser

Source: Sands & McDougall Directories

Photos: S&DHS

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